Marine Ecosystems, Oceans, Droughts & Bees

ENN ~ Jason Sole reporting on:

Vietnam ~ Marine eco-system devastation : River fish dying in unusually large numbers due to high levels of toxicity in ocean and rivers around Vietnam.

Japan ~ Massive die-back of living fossil, Horse-shoe crab, off the coast of Japan. Closely monitored by environmentalists, who ascertain that this die back is 8x greater than ever experienced off coast of Japan.

Oceans being negatively impacted by mankind’s commerce, industry, etc. which is driving the ‘6th Great Extinction’ in the marine food system.

Impact of Oceans upon regulating climate ~ UCLA study reported that “Drought set to become “New Normal” in California, in near future.

Bees ~ a recent scientific study (USA) concluded on impact of insecticides, fungicides and herbicides on bees, causing a disorder known as ‘colony collapse.’

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