Climate Change145 Videos



At a COP 22 Press Conference on Mid-century De-carbonization Strategies held in Marrakech, moderator Alden Meyer, Dir of Strategy and Policy at Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS-USA) introduces the panel speakers and summarizes the key reason for the presentation as being primarily a report back on the Paris Agreement encouragement for all countries to develop […]

‘ARGO to the Rescue’….Monitoring Global Oceans and Coastal Ecosystems

At a Scripps Institute of Oceanography press conference, held at COP 22, Marrakech, Yassir Eddebar, PhD candidate at Centre for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation (CMBC), and Todd Martz, Associate Professor of marine chemistry speak on the monitoring of the Global Carbon and Heat Budget of the planetary system, giving overviews on a few of the […]

Tracking Corporate Commitment to ‘Zero” Deforestation by 2020

Tropical rainforests are known to be the green lungs of the planet, yet they are constantly being diminished by agri-industries such as palm oil, wood harvesters, soy growers and beef farmers.  At a press conference held at COP22 in Marrakesh, a report back was given of progress on the TFA 2020, with speakers Stephen Donofrio […]

“SMALL” Changes In Global Sea Rise…..CATASTROPHIC Implications!

In this presentation of Climate Matters.TV ~ Part 2, at COP 22, Marrakech, Stuart Scott (UPFSI) talks with Prof. Peter Wadhams (Emeritus Prof. of Ocean Physics, Cambridge University) and Ms Maria Pia Casarini Wadhams (Dir. Italian Institute of Polar Geography / Editor of IL POLO Journal), about indigenous Arctic communities loss of lifestyle, Arctic Council, […]

Faith tackling the Climate Crisis ~ A Laudato Si’ for the Environment.

In this exclusive Interview With Tomás Insua, Executive Director and Co-founder of Global Catholic Climate Movement, he addresses Catholic tradition in terms of the environment, faith tackling the climate crisis, a future improved world envisioned, political credibility and social crisis on a global level. In response to your question of Catholics taking an interest in […]
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Scott Pruitt finally unmasks his position on climate change

Scott Pruitt takes off the gloves Perhaps the dimmest man in US history to ever occupy the office of EPA chief finally reveals his position. How on earth its possible that a known petroleum industry purchase can get into this office is simply beyond me. Going to be interesting to watch how Scott Pruitt slowly deconstructs years […]

The “Soul of Morocco” speaks on Climate Change to the World!

This is short film on Morocco, where the 22nd Conference of the Parties (COP 22) was held in Marrakesh in November of 2016. Morocco is a North African country that has a coastline on both the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. It has borders with Western Sahara to the south, Algeria to the […]

“Trauma of Natural Disasters” ~ Healing through the Arts

Director of Earth Saver’s and Founder of PETA, Ms Cecile Guidote-Alvarez, speaks on the catastrophic impacts of climate change where natural disasters are causing home abandonment, including armed conflict etc. resulting in millions of refugees living in desperate, difficult and degraded conditions in the Philippines, at COP 22 Expo in Marrakech. The purpose of the […]

Climate Change in the City – What Keeps me Awake at Night!

In this 2017 UCT Summer School Series, Day 3 ~ Ms Helen Davies (BSc. (Hons.), MSc, MBA) presents on Framing the policy of Climate Change in terms of our understanding, viewpoint and approach to, as well as the current context in terms of GHG emissions and of climate change Adaptation – key future risks that […]