Potential for Regional Power Interconnection and Networks ~ a Global Assessment.

COP22 – Potential for Regional Power Interconnection and Networks ~ a Global Assessment.
Electricity transmission is a key enabler of a clean energy system. Given the versatile and efficient nature of electricity for end‑user applications, electricity demand has been growing more rapidly than overall energy consumption.

Decarbonisation is expected to strongly reinforce this trend: most of the low‑carbon technologies that are applied at the largest scale (such as hydro, nuclear, wind and solar) are electricity‑generating technologies. On the end‑user side, the electrification of transport and of end-use consumption in buildings will strongly increase the share of electricity in final energy consumption.

Large-Scale Electricity Interconnection: Technology and Prospects for Cross-regional Power Networks, to be launched in April 2017, aims to deliver policy recommendations for power sector interconnection consistent with an integrated vision for future power systems, from end use to distribution and transmission. It will assess the short- and medium-term technical, market, regulatory and policy measures, and investment needs required to accelerate regional interconnection. The publication will provide a world-spanning analysis of technological prospects for interconnection, the current levels of deployment and mid-term investment potential, and the market and regulatory frameworks necessary for linking national power systems at much higher scales.

Q & A session to the panel followed after the presentation.

Moderator : IEA Mr Jean-François Gagné‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

Panel Speakers:
* Mr Han Huang : Director of the Energy Division at SGCC, State Grid Corporation of China
* Hans Jorgen Koch – Exec. Director, Nordic Energy Research (Nordic Council of Ministers)
* Daniel Kammen – Director of RAEL : Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory based at the University of California, Berkley.

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