“Awareness and Lifestyles” ~ Respect for..my Home, Planet and All forms of Life!

In this COP 22 Presentation, Marrakech, Ms Sonja Ohlsson (International Coordinator for Brahma Kumaris Environmental Initiative), and acting moderator for the conference introduces members of the panel from Brahma Kumaris and German Ministry of Environment, who present and discuss on the ‘Role of Ethics and Awareness in Climate Change Solutions’.
Mr Golo Pilz – ‘Advocates sustainable solutions for an ethical and value-based approach’. The Brahma Kumaris Institute’s aim is to inspire people to infuse ethics and higher awareness in their day to day lives, via beneficial solutions like meditation, yoga, vegetarian lifestyles, etc., which is a central focus in order to return these ethics and values into the economic and political decision-making process, which would be a step towards moving in the right direction. He further added that individualised personal transformation through the upliftment of the consciousness and awareness of the people is key and that all should become examples of the change we all want to see.
In 1992 Brahma Kumaris and its daughter organisation, The World Renewal Spiritual Trust established a new department for Renewable Energies in Mount Abu, Rajasthan, thereby expanding on their broad-based spiritual lifestyle solutions. Since the mid-nineties the Brahma Kumaris has become a key player and developer of institutional solar cooking systems, having carried out various research and development projects in India with the German government, receiving official status as a research organisation in 2011 by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Pilz highlighted other improvements over last few years, e.g. 400kW Integrated Heat Storage Power plant in Delhi, including an innovative research and development project (2011) for the design of a 1MW solar thermal power plant with thermal storage and generates heat and power continuously for 24 hours, partly funded by the German ministry of Environment (BMuB) and Indian ministry for New and Renewable Energy Sources.
Dr Vera Rodenhoff indicated her support for Golo’s presentation, stating that it is especially evident in current times that politics and decision-making are often rooted in fear and anger, and that it is important to overcome the divisiveness that is increasingly ruling some of the politics in this world, and now, more than ever the international community needs to stand together, needing to believe and trust in the “good” of people, progress made and that the problems and challenges we are facing can be overcome, because only that makes cooperation possible in the end, e.g. the ratified Paris Agreement (2015).
She further states that not only communities and small businesses but governments and corporations have now accepted that the transformation is necessary, which goes hand in hand with the latest technological developments, the ongoing decrease in prices of renewables and climate technologies, etc. required to make the transformation possible, which the German government supports in many ways, nationally and internationally, e.g. ‘Green Mosques program’ in Morroco, also through the IKI – International Climate Initiative.
Sister Jayanti Kirpalani opens with statement: ‘the state of the world today, I believe, has been created by the lack of spiritual ethics and an awareness which has been very narrow and limited to a very materialistic view, and to solve a lot of the world’s problems, we have to get back to ethics and a consciousness which is broader than just ‘me and ‘I’, then we will begin to find solutions to climate change also’.
The Brahma Kumaris focuses mainly on education and raising consciousness and awareness which, with inner focus, brings creative solutions to any of the issues that we are surrounded by today, in particular, the climate change situation also. (environment.brahmakumaris.org)
In terms of technology awareness and the value it brings to solutions, I believe that this only starts when there is a personal change of heart and consciousness and the awareness that we are a part of “One Global Family’, inspiring a Spirit of Care, and Share, and Compassion, and Equity which happens with inner focus. Whilst we stay focused on the world outside, as long as there’s the consciousness of ‘taking and receiving’ instead of the awareness of ‘sharing and giving’, there will always be problems on Earth!
wstih.pl/sites/default/files/file/rektorat/aktualnosci/profile-sonja-ohlsson.pdf Sonja Ohlsson
eusew.eu/sites/default/files/energy_days/Profile-Sister_Jayanti_2015-06.pdf Sister Jayanti Kirpalani
wstih.pl/sites/default/files/file/rektorat/aktualnosci/Joachim-Golo-Pilz-profil.pdf Golo J. Pilz
international-climate-initiative.com/en International Climate Initiative (IKI), Germany
brahmakumaris.com/association-with-un/ Brahma Kumaris Spiritual NGO

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