Kaisa Kosonen – Green Peace Interview On Energy

In this interview with Mother Channel, Kaisa Kosonen of Greenpeace, Finland, speaks at COP 20, Lima, Peru, on changing energy sources and opens the interview by stating that there have been enormous breakthroughs in renewable energy in last 5 years, citing the reduction in prices of solar panels by 80% over this period and that […]

Carbon Reduction – COP Panel Discussion

COP 20, Lima 2010, Discussion regarding the need for strong policy commitments so that investors and entrepreneurs can engage with climate development strategies and climate risk. This is not a situation that we can pay our way out of. We need a revolution not only in industry and manufacturing but in people’s minds as well.

COP 21 – Alexandra Bonnet – Local Government Paris

The University of Earth, Urgent Action Series: COP 21 Paris 2015: Alexandra Bonnet is manning a stand to do with the local government and citizen response to global warming in Paris. The projects undertaken can be compared to those of other localities wishing to make a different.
Mother Channel – www.motherchannel.com – COP20 Hi Carbon Low Efficiency

COP 20 Hi Carbon-Low Efficiency

COP 20 LIMA Speaker on the transition from the present non-sustainable high carbon, low efficiency cities and economies, to sustainable low carbon high efficiency cities, economies and environments.

COP 21 Deforestation and Beef Production in South America

The University of Earth, Urgent Action Series: COP 21 Paris 2015: Presentation on market driven, export driven beef and soybean production in South America leading to large-scale deforestation to create farms and cattle ranches. Most emissions (70%) are due to the deforestation and change in land-use with only 20% due to enteric fermentation.