Climate Apocalypse

The Four Horseman of the Climate Apocalypse

New Release – ENN- The Four Horseman of the Climate Apocalypse This week Jason Sole discusses the following topics: Corals die as local weather and climate change collide in the South China Sea – Planting native vegetation for productive crops – Should be changed to science confirms organic and permaculture standard practises: Sea ice extent sinks […]

How to change your life and fix the world.

The first release of ENN for 2017. Jason Sole describes the purpose of mother channel and ENN. He discusses the motives behind environmental changes, possibility for a green future and the part that everyone around the world should play. This is a slight alteration in terms of climate change and puts more of a focus […]

COP 20 – Critical Levels of Methane Emissions

COP 20 Lima. John Nissen & Paul Beckwith speak on the global underestimation of the scale of Methane emissions & its contribution to Global Warming. The IPCC has not included Methane emissions in its current reports. Methane is a vastly more damaging than CO2 & even after decaying for 100 years its still 20 times […]
Mother Channel – – COP20 Hi Carbon Low Efficiency

COP 20 Hi Carbon-Low Efficiency

COP 20 LIMA Speaker on the transition from the present non-sustainable high carbon, low efficiency cities and economies, to sustainable low carbon high efficiency cities, economies and environments.
Mother Channel – – COP 20 Algore Flawed GDP

COP 20 Al Gore Flawed GDP System

Al Gore speaks about the flawed GDP system which only measures growth and the impact on finite resources, lack of investment in education, health & family services. A Sustainability measurement system needs to be implemented in business plans & included in government policies globally.

Lorenzo Perissinotto in the Field

Lorenzo Perissinotto, Professor of Marine Biology, Zoology and Entomology at Rhodes University, South Africa, in the field discussing species, in particular invertebrates, and their environment.