
Global Drought rears its ugly head, the status and solutions

Jason Sole covers the  spread of global drought and the impacts that it is having across the world. This topic seems to be emerging more and more as climate change spreads its grip creating extreme weather phenomena. In a nutshell it could be argued that the current El Nino could be a primary driver behind […]
Wild Bees in South Africa Image

South African Wild Bees Part One – Ms Jenny Cullinan

South African Wild Bees (Part One) Mother Channel interview with bee researcher, Ms Jenny Cullinan, co-founder of UJUBEE, an environmental team who conduct research on South African wild bees in the wild, mainly in the Fynbos rich regions of  the Cape, South Africa. We have been researching South African wild bees for the last 3 […]

COP 20 IFOAM Panel Speakers on Organic Smallholder farming

COP 20 Lima Panel Speakers from the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) on: The inclusion of positive Small-holder Organic Farming climate change impacts in the IPCC climate action negotiation agenda. Agriculture is at the forefront of climate change impacts with, droughts, floods & extreme weather impacting on food security and loss of farming […]


BREDASDORP AGRI-SHOW, Western Cape, South Africa. Interview with Leonie from the Agricultural Research Council on: Research for the sterilisation of male fruit flies to combat fruit, wine & food crop losses, implementation of remedial honeybush tea farming on a broader scale.

COP 20 – Critical Levels of Methane Emissions

COP 20 Lima. John Nissen & Paul Beckwith speak on the global underestimation of the scale of Methane emissions & its contribution to Global Warming. The IPCC has not included Methane emissions in its current reports. Methane is a vastly more damaging than CO2 & even after decaying for 100 years its still 20 times […]