
Jon Witlow – Panel and Discussion

Fish Crime Symposium, Dept of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Cape Town, 12-15 October 2015, Day 2 No 18 – Jon Witlow – Panel and Discussion regarding the value of media exposes, level of political will to prosecute, profile of fishing vessels

UK ~ Climate Change “Worries” and Solving the Problem!

In an exclusive interview with Mother Channel, Professor Peter Wadhams leading Arctic scientist and Head of the Polar Ocean Physics at Cambridge University talks on some of the ‘Worries’ particular to the UK and ‘Urgent Actions’ required, at COP 22, Marrakech. Responding to a question on ‘How UK will be affected by global warming in […]

COP 21 Kirsty Lewis – Met Office, Hadley Centre

The University of Earth, Urgent Action Series: COP 21 Paris 2015: Kirsty Lewis leads the Climate Security Team at the Met Office, Hadley Centre and is engaged in research about the effect of Climate Change of Global Food Security particularly for the most vulnerable

COP 21 – Dr Susan Natali, Woods Hole Research Centre

The University of Earth, Urgent Action Series: COP 21 Paris 2015: Dr Susan Natali of Woods Hole Research Centre responds to questions about the impact of the higher global temperatures on Permafrost, the resultant melting and bacterial activity will release additional Carbon Dioxide and Methane that has not been included in previous budgets

NASA Hydrology Satellite observations of terrestrial water cycle

Monitoring of the world’s water resources is challenging due to limited large scale observations, particularly a lack of observations of water beneath the land surface. NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission provides an unprecedented view of the regional net terrestrial water balance, with global coverage, over a now >10 year record. This event […]

Climate change in the face of denial

What a dichotomy Here you have an island that is slowly being sunk by sea level rise and persistent erosion. The populace of the island are stern or rather die hard Trump supporters and take his stance on climate change as gospel. Yet right before their very eyes they are witnessing the effects of climate […]

COP 21 – Demonstration of CO2 Build-up

The University of Earth, Urgent Action Series: COP 21 Paris 2015: A Demonstration of the seasonal build-up and dissipation of CO2 in the Northern Hemisphere during Winter and Summer.  In Winter, the loss of leaves and crops leads to a massive build-up that then largely dissipates during Summer as new growth takes CO2 out of […]

Rachel Kyte – Multinational Banks

Rachel Kyte, the Vice President of the World Bank speaks about the journey that multinational banks are undertaking as regards the rights and expectations of third world people for sustainable development being undermined by Climate Change. A 2% rise in global temperatures will result in a 4-5% drop in growth in Sub-Saharan Africa