Climate Change and Health ~ Importance of Health (Part 1)

COP 22 – In this presentation, the Health Panel discuss the importance of Health as a transformational argument on Climate Change and the need for compassion, engagement and organisation in addressing Health Risks and Climate Change, thereby gaining the Health co-benefits of low carbon development practice – speakers ; Dr Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum – Health & Climate Leader WHO, Mr V. Ramanathan – Univ. of California and Ms. Tara Ramanathan – Nexleaf Analytics, L.A., including an address on the Impacts of Climate Change in the Mediterranean region by Prof. Maaroufi, Dir. of Epidemiology & Disease Control at Ministry of Health, Morocco (Health Observatory) and Joy Shumake-Guillemot, WMO/WHO Climate and Health office (Building Health Resilience).

Links: (Health Observatory Mediterranean)

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