ENN – The Environmental News Network31 Videos


Global Drought rears its ugly head, the status and solutions

Jason Sole covers the  spread of global drought and the impacts that it is having across the world. This topic seems to be emerging more and more as climate change spreads its grip creating extreme weather phenomena. In a nutshell it could be argued that the current El Nino could be a primary driver behind […]

Good News for the Ozone – Bad News for Fish

ENN presenter, Jason Sole, has good news about the ozone layer and its effect on Anarctica and very bad news about the future of fish and the sinister practices in the unregulated high seas that are decimating world fish and causing massive amount of extinctions.

The Microplastic Invasion of the Oceans

Jason Sole covers the microplastics cycle, its impact on the oceans and ocean life and the surrounding science link ups that are emerging. Here are some of the links discussed: Microplastics in general: http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/microplastics-microbeads-ocean-sea-serious-health-risks-united-nations-warns-a7041036.html Banning of plastic bottles: http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/san-francisco-bans-sale-plastic-water-bottles-climate-change Super bacteria at Rio Olympics: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-olympics-rio-superbacteria-exclusive-idUSKCN0YW2E8 Bacterial immunity: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antimicrobial_resistance Mediterranean chemical problems: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/004896979504719X Plastic Islands in the Pacific: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Pacific_garbage_patch Impact of microplastics […]

How to change your life and fix the world.

The first release of ENN for 2017. Jason Sole describes the purpose of mother channel and ENN. He discusses the motives behind environmental changes, possibility for a green future and the part that everyone around the world should play. This is a slight alteration in terms of climate change and puts more of a focus […]
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Breakthrough products and the emergence of the green economy

This week Jason Sole discusses some breakthrough products (see links below),the emergence of the green economy. This can be seen as a call to all entrepreneurs to start the development of products that will supply the new world economy. Mercedes develops EV Truck: https://techxplore.com/news/2016-07-electric-truck-news-stuttgart-pollution.html China reaches peak coal:https://www.carbonbrief.org/iea-china-might-have-passed-peak-coal-in-2013 Supermeat.com, Indiegogo campaign link:https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/supermeat-real-meat-without-harming-animals-food-technology?gclid=Cj0KEQjw_qW9BRCcv-Xc5Jn-26gBEiQAM-iJhU6ulKLM0hiVDD65HX_lyAjXhoPyeLm4YvYq-IQpPNsaAoN78P8HAQ#/ Photosynthesis process for carbon […]
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Complete idiots guide to man made climate change

A complete idiot’s guide to climate change is a long interview done with Jason Sole. He covers the basics of man made climate change and some of the arguments that hoax callers put against it. Its pretty long but the first 14min gives you a comprehensive basic mechanics of man made climate change. Really worth […]
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ENN – Desire for a new, more responsible world!

The plastic rant… This week Jason Sole covers an emotional issue regarding plastic pollution and the brainwashing that leads us to believe that manufacturers are not responsible for the cleanup. The issue really comes down to one of stemming the tide of plastic pollution at its source and changing the way the concept of “business” […]
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The renewable energy revolution starts here – Free Power

Jason Sole covers the reasons why you are not getting free electricity, why the cost of solar power seems so high. The truth about how governments go about buying power and investigates why renewable energy will always be cheaper than fossil fuel powered industry. The objective is to create a free power concept where citizens […]