Critical Issues

In April of 2016, daily 24 hour broadcasts began on A sub program of the Mother Channel is the Environmental News Network (ENN) which presents current developments relating to the global environment.

Recently, two peer reviewed reports presented by our ENN researchers brought about the sobering realisation, that if we did not take immediate drastic measures to reduce global GHG emissions, it will be too late halt the inevitable climate meltdown.

It has taken 135 years to increase the average global temperature by 0.8°C above pre-industrial levels. The last 4 months have seen a further average rise of 0.4°C.

NOAA statistics have shown 11 record hot months in a row, with April being the highest on record with an average rise of 1.28°C. (this represents half again the increase over the past 135 years)! Ref:


These indicaters show a doubling of GHG emissions within a 1-year period. The Cambridge University arctic climate expert Prof. Peter Wadhams projected this occurance, during a filmed interview in June 2015.


At current rates of ocean oxygen depletion, dissolved oxygen (O2) levels will be too low to sustain sea life in large ocean tracts by the year 2030, according to a peer reviewed study, released three weeks ago.


Phytoplanktons, also known as microalgae are microscopic plants that live in both fresh & salt-water aquatic environments. In a balanced ecosystem, phytoplanktons oxygenate water and provide the lowest part of the food chain for virtually all marine animals.

Phytoplanktons are mostly buoyant and inhabit the upper 100m layers of aquatic environments. Their chlorophyll captures sunlight and using photosynthesis, turn it into chemical energy. This process consumes dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) and releases molecular oxygen (O2) into the water.

The Phytoplankton photosynthesis process accounts for approx. half of all photosynthetic activity on Earth, producing 50% – 65% of global atmospheric oxygen (O2) – the balance is produced by land based plant photosynthesis.

Phytoplanktons are critically dependent on micronutrients such as nitrate, phosphate, calcium and silicic acid whose availability is dependent on the balance of the so-called biological pump and upwelling of deep, nutrient rich waters.

Critically phytoplankton photosynthesis has managed the CO2 / O2 balance (biological pump) since the early Precambrian Period – this is the time span before the beginning of the Cambrian Period, about 541 million years ago, when hard shelled creatures first appeared in abundance. Prior to this there were no Oxygen breathing species.

Ocean warming.

Research has revealed rapidly disappearing phytoplankton populations from the western Indian Ocean falling by an alarming 70% in the last 16 years.


The ‘fertilising’ effect on phytoplankton is due to ‘upwelling’ and is dependent on ocean currents being able to ‘break’ through different layers or ‘stratification’ that form with different water temperatures.

When temperature differentials between the stratified layers becomes too big, ocean currents will be unable to penetrate these layers in order to mix the deep cold nutrient rich water with the warm surface water. As a consequence, phytoplankton is deprived of nutrients, thereby depleting its downstream effects on carbon dioxide absorption (CO2) and generation of oxygen (O2) vital for a sustainable global environment.

Reduction in the phytoplankton population will result in a reduced food source available for a wide range of aquatic animals, which in turn will have a wider, massive impact on the environment, as well as other marine & land species including humans.

It would be naive to hope that the end of most life on land and the oceans will never happen because it is too far beyond what mankind has ever experienced.

Many civilisations have dissapeared before us. What they have all had in common with us is, that they degraded and destroyed the natural ecosystem, the very host that sustains all global life forms.

What is different today?

Environmental degradation has taken place on a global scale, there is nowhere to escape from it and all humans and all other species are at risk.

The fact that we collectively failed to react appropriately to early climate change warning signs and now to ever increasing evidence of this should not condemn the people of the world to deprivation, suffering and extinction. If you believe the science, it is predicted by many I have interviewed that our current trajectory will lead to the death of most of earth’s population..

Worldwide people were largely elected to positions in government as a result of campaigns funded by big corporations intent on securing an agenda that favours domination by various industries – hydrocarbon – armaments – chemical – medical – food production etc with little or no consideration of the devastating effects that these have and are having on humanity.

Combine these to suppressed information, a largely uninformed populace and a recipe for inaction results.

So what should we do?

The sudden exponential rise to April’s global temperature of 1.28°C degrees average rise should be treated as critical by every agency.

The doubling of green house gases by methane released from the permafrost melting in the centuries old peatlands and the Indonesian fires is one of the primary contributory causes to climate changes and palliative steps be undertaken to reduce this and other methane producing activities under control as rapidly as possible.


We have predominantly the wrong systems for everything – energy , agriculture, fishing and nutrition . Urgent attention must be undertaken to change to alternate, sustainable, renewable practices worldwide without delay.

We abuse, plunder and poison all natural resources, sea, water, animals, wildlife and nature all of which urgently needs the protection of effectively applied and policed legislation.

If we carry on as we are at present, within 14 – 20 years most large swaths of the world will be dead or dying as will those people who depend on them, and the years up until then, according to the head of the World Meteorological Office that I filmed in 2007, will be “horrifying” to experience and live through.

We are entering a situation of almost “game over” unless…


It is already too late for any gradual transition – especially since action to save the world still depends on the whim of individual countries, organisations and industry.


Minimum Immediate Actions to Curtail and Reduce Green House Gases:

Stop production of carbon dioxide (CO2) from fossil fuel sources.

Stop methane produced from livestock, waste heaps, forests fires, drained peatlands, rice paddy fields, melting permafrost.

Stop nitrous oxide (N20) from the use of nitrogen compounds in fertilisers – 230 times worse than carbon dioxide (CO2) for global warming.

Stop black carbon from any kind of fire but especially from burning bush and forests.

Stop airborne dust from ploughed fields by using no tilling planting methodology.

Stop particulate dispersal from fertilisers, pesticides and industry.


The ecosystems have kept this all in balance for millions of years. We need to restore them to maximum health so that they can rectify this again.

Restoring ecosystems, by partnering with nature, will be our best option for remediation of these.(See the film “Green Gold” by John Liu)

It is essential, for every form of life, that urgent action be taken to restore all water to clean drinking water

All wetlands to be protected by effective laws and new ones to be created to replace those lost to construction, mining, farming practices, etc.

Stop the manufacture of all chemicals – household products, toiletries, poisons, fertilisers, Manufacture only those artificial chemicals that are critical for the environment’s health.

Cease all hunting as significant numbers of any key species, especially apex predators, missing from an ecosystem can collapse the whole system.


Dead Zone rehabilitation needs to be urgently undertaken and no more non biological man made chemicals and man made waste must enter the environment 80% of which will end up in the sea.


Halt all the damaging processes immediately.

No amount of disruption now, caused by stopping our economies in a controlled way, will match the chaos if the results of the damage we have done continues unabated.

To avoid:

Huge earth and climate changes,


Ongoing drought,


Massive droughts,

Hypercanes – hurricanes of unimaginable fury.

Methane sulphide fireballs.

Forest fires with no chance of putting them out.

Would you not rather put up with changes that take us into new systems for the whole world that could result in:

Reduction of cancers,


Food disorders

Heart disease,

Reduce / Eliminate poverty,

Restore the natural abundance of nature.


According to all the climate change institutes and scientists that I have filmed/interviewed the carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere will already take our planet above 4°C, there is a 20 year delay between the creation and effect of CO2..

Because many global processes become so disastrous and difficult to reverse, even at 2°C above preindustrial levels, all the climate change conferences are insisting that global temperatures should not increase above 1.5°C.

Therefore, as an urgent priority, we need to get carbon dioxide (CO2) out of the atmosphere.

All means need to be urgently deployed such as:

Increasing vegetation,

Keeping soils covered to aid a massive increase of soil microorganisms in the soil,

Cool the planet fast enough to reverse what is happening to phytoplankton.

No till farming or monoculture for cereal crops,

Dismantle mono culture of crops,

Cease the movement of food by consuming only local crops,

New farming to be done as agroforestry,

Increase consumption of vegetables to reduce the 3 billion animals being farmed for their meat.

Move away as rapidly a possible from using fossil fuels for power generation and transport even if it means.doing without power and transport until the source changes.

We have a huge problem from feedback loop that has begun in the Arctic meltdown and the droughts and floods that may limit our access to enough water plant all the vegetation needed to sequester carbon dioxide (CO2).

The basic remedial action/s above will require the help of many, many people to be deployed.

We propose that we should begin to assist nature by:

Covering soil to protect the micro-organisms that live there,

Putting organic matter into the soil,

Assisting, in every way possible, the soil’s microbes so as to take carbon dioxide (CO2) out of circulation,

Planting and nurturing non genetically modified plants extensively.

Bringing deserts to life,

Restoring water catchment areas (See the success in the Gobi deserts and Sahel “Green Gold – filmed by John Liu),

Detoxifying wetlands and aquifers.

No fires,

No man made chemicals,

Environmentally friendly toiletries, household cleaning products, No poisons.

Summary of the solutions from the various experts that I have filmed:

The above must happen with all haste and will affect almost all of the economic world.

Deliberately collapse the existing fatally flawed economic system – as it is about to do again any way – without resurrecting it as has been the incentive for the rape of our world.

Leave only those aspects of the current ecosystem that are producing the means to new systems e.g. solar panel manufacture and its components, natural medicines, tools for organic agriculture etc.

Urgently roll out a renewable energy power sourced transport system by stopping current oil based transport as soon as possible.while we retrofit cars for electric energy source and roll out custom made electric cars without government legislation obstacles.

Reduce herds of livestock by 90% of leaving mostly dairy and chickens and making all free range.This will massively decrease methane levels and could thus cool the world according to Ghandi’s advisors.

Stop the transport of live animals from the farms to city abattoirs where their excreta becomes a waste problem – instead of a resource for the farm.

Treat animals with respect and kindness to increase productivity and diminish stress in every way possible.

Restore all wilderness areas and protect these from domestic livestock, poachers, traps and fire.

Future Changes Envisaged:

It is estimated that, for a period of five years, to facilitate the initiation of new power sources, the use of fossil fuel only to power their production and for essential commuting, power for electricity sufficient enough to keep only industry that is producing for the new era, computers, communication operational.

Fossil fuel too for vehicles, that are to be replaced by electrically powered units, that transport food, from compliant organic farms to restaurant areas where people will get fed.

No more monoculture, ploughing. Uprooting, no artificial fertilisers, no poisons, no overhead irrigation.

No battery or factory farming.

Stop all existing grain production. Almost all grains are too hybridised or genetically modified to be of enough nutritional value to waste our water, fertiliser, pesticides and soil on and difficult to grow enough in non monoculture farming

Allow soils that have had poison and fertiliser to recover.

Cover soils with organic matter to absorb moisture and protect micro-organisms against intense heat and cold.

Grow nitrogen fixing plants and plant fruit and nut trees.

Seven years is generally considered how long it takes for soils to recover from poisons used in monoculture and to be classified organic.

On other land grow organically the correct amount and variety of food, fruit and above ground vegetables using chickens for weed and pest control.

Use the soil and water to grow the right amount of the most nutritious combinations of food for human and animal health.

Eliminate all types of food that do not produce maximum beneficial nutrition needs for water expended.

Set up transport links for those who already produce organically and encourage farmers to produce on land that is not toxic appropriate foods for consumption.

Teach and supply for food gardens in cities and de-centralise as widely as possible.

Relocate communities away from flood lines and above the 20m contour to restore ecosystems and grow food.

Feed and house people as in war times.

Stop all transport for those who are not involved with essential industry as in 1 until electric power from renewables is the source of energy for transport.

Educate through the air and local field trips.

Transport food with fossil fuel until renewable replaces it.

Train up doctors, organic farmers, artisans, and re-educate everyone with an integrated vision of how the world interconnects and gain far keener understanding of their bodies.


Organic healthy food and small amounts of free range meat cooked by top chefs or their pupils on TV available free in far more small localised restaurants to reduce the centres of waste and centralise cooking and refrigeration.

Cars retrofitted and later custom made for lightness with electric power source, self navigating and non collision software.

Mag lev tracks and solar planes for long distance high speed intercity.

No waste can be created.

Nothing is created that is not a resource for another species i.e. no waste, no built in obsolescence, no destroyed excess food (currently up to 60%),

No disposables.

Reduce – Reuse – Recycle.

No mining due to damaging chemicals used in refining and processing.

Re-use existing material wherever possible.

Sewerage to become an agricultural resource.

Re-plumb the country so that potable water is not used for toilets.

Recycle grey water biologically through wetlands and reuse.

Water is revitalised through flow forms to be more effective.

Fishing is only from the shore with hand rods or small electric powered boats.

Trawlers are banished.

Shipping is stopped until it is either wind or solar powered and controls its sewerage.

Mechanised fishing cease.

No tree may be cut down unless 10 are planted in their place and nurtured to adulthood.


Installing solar, wind, systems.

Production of low energy appliances, electric vehicles and transport systems.

Decommissioning of nuclear power plants and “safe” disposal of nuclear and toxic waste.

Re-plumbing of the country so that grey water is biologically recycled and fresh water is revitalised and only used for drinking, cooking and washing. And the almost 40% of water lost in leaking pipes is saved.

No non foods will be grown during this period, nor imports so consumerism will be replaced by huge recycling projects.

• Restoration of wetlands, reforestation, biological detoxification of aquifers, lakes and rivers, rehabilitation of water catchment areas, restoration of greenery to semi-deserts, planting trees and plants.

Cultivation of plants for their seeds which will be exchanged locally to enhance genes.

Removal of traps from wilderness areas and sea floor.

Prevention of forest fires, and eliminate, where possible, erosion.

Restoration and protection of soils throughout the world and possible relocation of topsoil from fertile coastal plains if sea level rise cannot be prevented.

Change of health services with more doctors and nursing staff so that hospitals are properly staffed at all times – we are live in times where people have a 30% higher chance of dying if they have an emergency during weekend or after hours!

Operation rooms to be used 24 hours per day to reduce the delay in operations.

Correcting our destructive non nutrition system.

Use of natural medicine to greatly decrease our health problem.

Free Laser treatment for vision.

Change of education systems so as to make use of the best teachers and technology and to school over the air on TV and internet and with field trips and practicals..

Encourage self learning.

Education to include a comprehensive understanding of how the everything functions so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past.

You may choose, as is your prerogative, not to believe those who are monitoring the growing evidence of climate change .

However, we believe, from the growing body of evidence and two reports recently received about greatly increased temperatures recorded for the last seven months. Methane levels rise and the current rate of oxygen depletion in the sea and on land that we are facing a period of rapidly increasing environmental deterioration, which will be “horrifying to live through” ( Head of World met office) for all as early as 2030 and maybe far sooner.

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