
Adriana Downie – Agrichar and Pyrolysis Technology

Adriana Downie of Best Energies ( talks about their Pyrolysis Technology which creates renewable energy from biomass. This is a large industrial process as a by-product, Syngas is used to power gas engines for electricity or steam production. Agri-char is produced which is a stable form of carbon that creates a long-term sink for Atmospheric […]

Ben Margolis – Carbon and Poverty Reduction

Ben Margolis of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty group emphasises the urgency of COP 21 as poor people, in particular, are already dying due to climate change. The richest countries need to take historic emissions into account in their decisions. The impact of cutting out fossil fuels entirely, however attractive this might be, […]

Bernard Liedemann – DAFF

Fish Crime Symposium, Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Cape Town, 12-15 October 2015, Day 2 No 20 – Bernard Liedemann from DAFF SA – Whistleblowers, Co-operation with US, Maritime Crime, Organised crime
CancunClimateSummit2010 ChinasAchievementsinRenewableEnergyonVimeo

Cancun Climate Summit 2010 – China’s Achievements in Renewable Energy

Cancun Climate Summit, Mexico, December 2010 – A Chinese Government representative discusses China’s achievements in Renewable Energy provision. They rank number one in the world in Windpower, Hydropower and Nuclear Power installations. Their capacity in Solar generation accounts for half of the installations worldwide at 800MW and their Nuclear Power plants contribute 30.97GW (both development […]

Cancun Climate Summit 2010 – Kenya’s Achievements in Wind Power Energy

Cancun Climate Summit, Mexico, December 2010 – Kenya has superior wind power to the North Sea offshore winds. They have already constructed a 350MW windpower farm and have a Geothermal capacity of 17000MW. Kenya is taking the leaad in controlling their own destiny through the Public Private Partnerships in renewable energy, particularly wind farms.

Carbon Reduction – Al Gore

COP 20: Al Gore was optimistic about the agreements being reached. He spoke about the inadequacies of GDP at measuring the most important economic realities that we face, for example depletion of natural resources, the production of pollution and other negative externalities. In addition, positive externalities such as social inequality, healthcare, communication and networking are […]

Carbon Reduction – COP Panel Discussion

COP 20, Lima 2010, Discussion regarding the need for strong policy commitments so that investors and entrepreneurs can engage with climate development strategies and climate risk. This is not a situation that we can pay our way out of. We need a revolution not only in industry and manufacturing but in people’s minds as well.

Carbon Reduction – Richard Branson and Ted Turner

Richard Branson of Virgin Airlines and Ted Turner of CNN discuss Carbon Reduction. People need to take up the economic opportunities offered by investing in Clean Energy. USA is lagging behind while China is leaping ahead with their commitment to clean energy. They have started the Business War Room to encourage the business community to […]