
Global Warming – Maneka Sanjay Gandhi

Maneka Sanjay Gandhi, Union Minister adn Environmentalist, India – We need to understand that Global Warming is already upon us, we have already lost quality of life, now we are discussing life itself. Each country needs to take action with or without legislation.

John Turner – Organic Farmer

Permaculture – John Turner – Organic Farming is now more popular than Genetically Modified (GM) Foods.  We have to change because the Industrial system has such a negative impact on the planet as it uses mineral dollars instead of solar dollars. GM has gone out of fashion. The feedback from farmers is that they do […]

UK ~ Climate Change “Worries” and Solving the Problem!

In an exclusive interview with Mother Channel, Professor Peter Wadhams leading Arctic scientist and Head of the Polar Ocean Physics at Cambridge University talks on some of the ‘Worries’ particular to the UK and ‘Urgent Actions’ required, at COP 22, Marrakech. Responding to a question on ‘How UK will be affected by global warming in […]

COP 21 Isis Alvarez – Global Forest Coalition

The University of Earth, Urgent Action Series: COP 21 Paris 2015: Isis Alvarez works for the Global Forest Coalition – a group of social movements, NGOs and Indigenous People’s Organisations, which protects indigenous people’s rights when international forestry policies destroy livelihoods.