ENN News Update

ENN – Scientists: Window for avoiding 1.5C global warming ‘closed’

Extremely concerning reports From 31 scientific institutes saying the governments of the world must take seriously the scientists advice to do something drastic to stop climate change. – https://www.yahoo.com/news/31-scientific-societies-just-told-200519194.html From the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, who have done the number crunching and say that the target 190 countries at COP 21 set to keep the […]

COP 21 Dr Dirk Notz – Arctic Sea Ice

The University of Earth: Urgent Action Series: COP 21 Paris 2015: Dr Dirk Notz, Arctic Sea Ice, Max Planck Institute of Meterology, Hamburg, 50% loss of thickness and size of summer ice, CO2 levels are linearly related to levels of Arctic Sea Ice,

COP 21 Alexandra Bonnet – Local Government Paris

The University of Earth, Urgent Action Series: COP 21 Paris 2015: Alexandra Bonnet is manning a stand to do with the local government and citizen response to global warming in Paris. The projects undertaken can be compared to those of other localities wishing to make a difference.

COP 21 Spiritual Dimension – Dr Saleem Huq, IPCC

Spiritual Dimension – Dr Saleem Huq, IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is the international body for assessing the science related to climate change. Climate Change is a moral issue, rich people cause the pollution and poor people in both poor and rich countries are the ones who suffer.

COP 21 – Dr Georg Kaser – University of Innsbruck

The University of Earth, Urgent Action Series: COP 21 Paris 2015: Dr Georg Kaser of Innsbruck University, an expert in glaciers and global warming, explains the uncertainty calculation, a scientific tool needed to gather reliable results, and anthropogenic forcing, which is a change in the Earth’s energy balance due to human economical activities.